
Slovo ředitele ENG

Vloženo: 1.9.2021 | Autor: Křivan | Zobrazeno: 115835x

Dear students, parents and friends of our school,


You´ve entered the website of the oldest elementary school in Chomutov.

Our school was built in 1892-1893 and the education has continued here since 1894. The school has changed and developed its existence in different ways. I believe that the changing process won´t stop in this time, when there are many opportunities for those who want to use them. Therefore, we, teachers and other employees of our school want our school to be a pleasant place not only for our employees but especially for our students. I´m convinced that all our students have the same chances to be successful and happy here.


The basic conception and focus of our school are based on these goals. We want our school to be a place full of great experiences, a place, where true friendships are formed, a place, where students appreciate their teachers, will remember them and won´t turn away their sights when they meet them. The school educational programme “A Key for Life” presents its focus on subjects like Information Technologies, foreign languages and Maths. We are convinced that the focus of our programme allows us to bring new forms and modern pedagogical methods in our work and doesn´t stop in getting perfect results even when classic teaching methods are being used. Our primary teachers use a genetic method of reading and writing. Maths is taught according to Hejný method.

We desire our students and parents to be more involved in the happenings at our school, listen to them and accept their comments and ideas. We try to respect all the differences of individual students and develop their abilities. We pursue to equalize less favourable conditions of individual students.

We desire our pupils to be able to define and express their thoughts, ideas and freshly gained knowledge. We put strong emphasis on the education of foreign languages – English as a compulsory subject from the first grade, then German, French or Russian as optional languages from the seventh grade. Our students should realize the need of foreign language knowledge and therefore want to improve themselves. This goal is associated with our effort to get involved into different forms of international cooperation.


We still deal with the question how to join two qualities in the education of each pupil and our own work – how to take advantage of freedom and accept our own and social responsibility. One of the biggest qualities that we can refer to our students is how to be responsible for ourselves and even for common behaviour. A human can be successful and responsible only when he or she has got a high level of qualification and is morally mature. The changes which are still surrounding us don´t give a space for passivity, intolerance, racism and xenophobia. Our school becomes a multicultural place and tries to meet up the ethnical differences. This all goes along with the civil principle of all the happenings. We´d like to have a secular liberal education according to one in the first republic – all students are equal, the only difference is in their results and behaviour.


Finally, I would like to express one wish towards my colleagues and parents. We should take the children as our partners (in a sensible way). We should bear in mind that they have got very good remarks, ideas and better knowledge of some areas than ours.



Motto: „Education – the best and the safest investment. “

Miloslav Hons, the principal

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